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Requests for Bid -Historic Olivehurst Pipelne Replacement Project

OPUD is accepting Bids for OPUD Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Project


CLICK HERE for Bid Information

RFB Advertisement for Bids Historic Olivehursst Pipeline Replacement.pdfOPUD_20240701_Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Replacement Project_Bid Meeting List.pdfAddendum 1 Changes.pdfAddendum 2 Changes Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Replacement.pdfAddendum 3 Changes Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Replacement.pdf


There is a $50.00 non-refundable fee to receive hard copy of Bid Packet or you may request a free electronic copy.  To receive a official bid and be placed on the official bidder list, please contact Swarnjit Boyal, Public Works Engineer (530-743-8573) ( or Sherry Koller, Public Works Administrative Assistant ( (530-743-8132).

For any questions please contact Swarnjit Boyal at 530-682-0736 (



  • July 1, 2024 Prebid meeting (voluntary)
  • July 18, 2024 Bids Due by 2 PM (NO exceptions)